Błyszczopies' Field

a decorative pixel of the website's mascot

Hello! Welcome to my little personal space to fuck around and be silly. Fully experimental and not well thought out, therefore rather unpredictable. Will include art, random ramblings and whatever I find myself to be the most passionate about at the moment.

As of right now this website is still work-in-progress and updates happen only when I feel inspired to code. After I'm finished with all the main pages I plan to start writing somewhat regular journal entries and keep updating my gallery! As well as make new pages dedicated to whatever I happen to be obsessed with next.

Feel free to lurk around, enjoy your stay! Don't forget to share my website with your friends and family!

decorative divider featuring several rabbits

This page is rated for mature audiences only for swearing, graphic images/descriptions and suggestive themes. Basically, I'm not putting any effort into making this website family friendly. No straight-out pornography, though, I might make a separate website for that later.
Also, Rebma the Censorship Panda looks pretty badass.
