Pusia Chomik
Love this Animal. The Pussy.
The softest animal to ever walk this earth. Had so much love for everyone and everything, constantly giving out bunny kisses. The greatest rabbit who was a hamster. The reason why rabbits are now my favorite animals.
Her favorite activities included taking naps, destroying cardboard boxes, staring at the walls, filling in empty spaces, being long and peeing on beds.
One time while I was crying on the floor, she decided to flop right next to me. It's like that was her way of saying "Hey, it's okay. Let's be vulnerable together". And that did help me calm down. I also cherish the memory of when I shared an apple with her, and when she had enough she decided to share a piece of cardboard with me. Sorry Pusia, I won't be eating that, but I really did appreciate the gesture.
When both my sister and I began attending high school out of our hometown, we decided to move her to our parents room. We would still usually be back for the weekends, and at some point, Pusia learned to move between the parent's room and the one I shared with my sister. It was a wonderful feeling to see a small animal deciding to spend time with you.
It was pretty difficult to accept her passing away. She truly was a wonderful animal.