Korek Kosza

Love this Animal. The Core.

Ginger. Huge. Strong. The purrer and the smiler. Glutton. Eunuch who doesn't know anything about the world. Clumsy. Lazy. Destroyer of cables and laptops. Twink.

Despite being a former stray, Korek is very fond of people. Always runs up to the door when he hears someone coming (unless he's busy eating). Loves to bonk me in the face with his huge head whenever he enters my room. His other hobbies include drinking toilet water and getting into spaces he clearly can not fit into. Got stuck behind the fridge once. Favorite toys include chargers, shoelaces and feet hidden under blankets. He has a lot to say for someone who experiences roughly three thoughts a month.

His birth mother Hania Piwko-Tesco forced me into being a cat dad in the begining of May 2024. I love my idiot son.

Korek where he looks like he's smiling photo of Korek taken from above Korek barely fitting on a shelf Korek attacking shoelaces korek politely lying on the floor

Korek Kosza first appeared in The Sims 4 with the Lovestruck Expansion Pack. After that everything kept going downhill for him.
screenshot of the buggy sim based on Korek

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