Here you can learn more about the fictional characters I have either created or received through various means!
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Fursona - literally me if I was a funny animal.
Sol & Any - a pair of rabbits that I tend to use to express my struggles with interpersonal relationships, especially romantic and sexual ones. Initially Any (the one on the right) was meant to be some sort of self-insert in an animated web series, inspired by Kraina Grzybów TV.
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Silver - The main character of a story titled Emotional Amnesia. She is an arsonist and she's sick on the head.
Daria "Disaster" - Mostly a background character. She is in hearly teens and she is sad most of the time. Pathetic.
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Tak - the main character of Tear You Apart AMV. She has an obsessive crush on Śmierdziel.
Śmierdziel - she is an asshole. She takes an advantage of Tak's obvious crush on her.
Dżuma - Śmierdziel's best friend. She is the one who came up with the idea of playing with Tak's feelings.
Bełt - the only cat that cares about others in this house.
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Aasot - a rat cloned with ditto DNA. Extremely edgy metalhead satanist. They believe they're a god, but in reality they're very weak.
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Would you like to learn more about my OCs? Do you have any question or suggestions regarding them? You can send me an email!